Janggi notation

The most popular is the alphanumerical Janggi notation. Rules are very similar as in chess: figure – starting point – ending point.
K (King) for General
A (Advisor) for Guardians
H (Horse) for Horses
E (Elephant) for Elephants
R (Rook) for Charriot
C (Cannon) for Cannon
P (Pawn) for Soldiers


As in chess, in Janggi notation there are some markings to evaluate the move:
! to mark good move
? to mark weak move
+ check
x beat

There are two ways of describing the movement: using nodes numbers or similar to western chess with letters in columns and numbers in rows.

Example of the notation using nodes numbers:

1. P 71-72 : P 49- 48

2. H08-87 : H18-37

3. C88-85 6. C38-35

4. P75-76 8. H13-34

5. H03-84 10. E12-44

6. E02-74 12. E44xP72

Example of the notation using letters (columns) and numbers (rows):

1. a7-b7 : i4-h4

2. h10-g8 : h3-g3

3. h8-g8 : h1-e3

4. e7-f7 : c1-d3

5. g10-e7 : c4-c5

6. i10-h10 : d1-d2

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